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Liguus fasciatus testudineus

Pilsbry, 1912

Collected at Brickell Hammock, Miami, Florida.
This specimen is similar to the the testudineus holotype and was collected
at the type locality. Brickell Hammock was one of the largest in South Florida
and is now a 2 acre park. Of the 13 distinguishable forms enumerated by
Simpson, none are found in what is left of the hammock. The testudineus has
a variable but distinct color cline ranging from melanistic to light color
specimens and predominantly white apex, however a few specimens with a
pink apex do occur within certain populations.

L= 50.8  mm   W= 29.8  mm

ID#L0048 Price US $75



Liguus fasciatus testudineus

Pilsbry, 1912

Collected North of Loop Road, Pinecrest, Florida.
This specimen is similar to the the testudineus
with the flame markings starting at sutures.
This Liguus exists in a colony consisting of shells as in
that pictured and a small number of lossmanicus.

L= 50.6  mm   W= 30.2 

ID#L0049 Price US $50



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Liguus fasciatus testudineus

variety castaneus
Simpson, 1920

Collected at Hammock #31, Long Pine Key, Southern Everglades.
This variety is found throughout the Atlantic Coastal Ridge
from Miami through Long Pine Key in the Southern Everglades.
Another dark shell exhibiting a distinct color cline from melanistic to light color shading.
L= 57.1  mm   W= 34.7  mm

ID#L0049 Price US $50


Liguus fasciatus testudineus

variety versicolor
Simpson, 1920

Collected at Osteen Hammock, Long Pine Key,
Southern Everglades.

This variety is found throughout Long Pine Key
in the Southern Everglades area.

It occurs in pure colonies as well as some mixed colonies.
The type specimen is from Osteen Hammock in Long Pine Key,
is very similar to this shell . This is another dark

shell exhibiting a color cline from melanistic to paler shades.
L= 51.4  mm   W= 28.2  mm

ID#L0050 Price US $50



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Liguus fasciatus testudineus
variety clenchi
Frampton, 1932

This variety occurs in the Collier County and Pinecrest areas of the Northwest Everglades.
This variety exhibits a white apex sometimes with a dark pink or red first nuclear whorl
commonly called a "jewel tip" by collectors.
L= 50.3  mm   W= 27.2  mm

ID#L0051 Price US $50



Liguus fasciatus testudineus

variety evergladesensis
Jones, 1979

A somewhat  recently discovered variety found
in a few hammocks north of the

Tamiami Trail in Collier County.
It is very similar in color pattern to some

clenchi specimens but differing in having pink pigmentation
on the first few whorls of the columellar area
and parietal areas.
L= 48.4  mm   W= 26.1  mm

ID#L0052 Price US $50



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Liguus fasciatus testudineus

form ornatus
Simpson, 1920

This shell is the "clear" form from the Totten's Key colony.
This is a widespread form and is essentially a
having lost
the dark color characters. While usually found in mixed
colonies with other testudineus, it also occurs in pure colonies.

L= 56.3  mm   W= 27.8  mm

ID#L0053 Price US $50


Liguus fasciatus testudineus

form ornatus
Simpson, 1920

This shell is the "lined" form from the Totten's Key colony.

L= 56.4  mm   W= 27.7  mm

ID#L0054 Price US $50



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Liguus fasciatus testudineus

form fuscoflammellus
Frampton, 1932

This tree snail is found in the Redlands area of
southern Dade County, specifically Timm's Hammock.
A few specimens have beenreported from Cox's Hammock.
The apex on most specimens is white,
however some pink tipped specimens have been found.
Believed tobe a natural occurring hybrid
 of alternatus and marmoratus.
This specimen is of  the "white tipped" form.
L= 49.7  mm   W= 28.6  mm

ID#L0055 Price US $50


Liguus fasciatus testudineus
form fuscoflammellus
Frampton, 1932

Collected at Long Pine Key, Southern Everglades.
By Archie Jones and myself with permit
for genetic studies by my son E. Power.
This specimen is of  the "pink tipped" form.
L= 52.1  mm   W= 28.8  mm

ID#L0056 Price US $50




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Liguus fasciatus testudineus

form marmoratus
Pilsbry, 1912

This form is found throughout the Atlantic Coastal Ridge and Vaca Key.
It occurs in pure colonies as well as mixed colonies. The type shell is
from Vaca Key, elongate and very similar to the pictured shell which is a topotype.

L= 58.4  mm   W= 30.2  mm

ID#L0057 Price US $50



Liguus fasciatus testudineus

form marmoratus
Pilsbry, 1912

This specimen was collected at Matheson Hammock Park,
Miami, Fl. Near Fairchild Tropical Gardens.
L= 50.4  mm   W= 28.2  mm

ID#L0058 Price US $50



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Liguus fasciatus testudineus

variety barbouri
Clench, 1929

The variety barbouri is one of the most widespread in the Pinecrest and Central Plains regions of the Everglades. The pictured specimen is from a small
hammock SW of Hammock No. 55,  known as  "Binky P" Hammock,after Pilsbry'daughter,Binky.
The variety barbouri, as in form marmoratus,
invariably have bright white apical whorls.

All of the "Binky P" hammock shells have
a predominant blue background color
L= 51.4  mm   W= 28.97  mm

ID#L0059 Price US $50


Liguus fasciatus testudineus

variety barbouri
Clench, 1929

This is a superb "bluest of the blue" example
of the Binky P hammock barbouri. The specimens
from this hammock vary in the dark markings
however the blue back ground color stands
out in all the population.
L= 58.2mm x W= 31.5 mm


ID#L0060 Price US $60 SOLD


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Liguus fasciatus testudineus

variety farnumi
Clench, 1929

This variety is believed extinct. It was found in a  series of very
small hammocks comprising PC #7 and
Hammock #8, in the Pinecrest area.
These hammocks, in the midst of what little development has
occurred in Pinecrest, have been largely destroyed
by fire and hunter's Off Road Vehicle traffic.

L= 56.4  mm   W= 28.4  mm

ID#L0061 Price US $175

Liguus fasciatus testudineus

variety floridanus
Clench, 1929

The variety floridanus is intermediate between barbouri and farnumi,
however it exhibits several characters peculiar toitself. It is far more globose than either and has very little mottling of color between the bands
of mahogany brown.
This is a topotype collected at PC #8 in the Pinecrest
area of the Everglades.
L= 51.5  mm   W= 29.7  mm

ID#L0062 Price US $50



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Liguus fasciatus testudineus

variety violafumosus
Doe, 1937

Collected at Hammock #28, Pinecrest Region.
This variety is extinct due to several fires which devastated
Hammock PC # 28 and PC #30 in the Pinecrest area.
Close to floridanus, this variety has a unique violet gray tint in
the intermediate  whorls.
L= 52.7  mm   W= 29.6  mm

ID#L0063 Price US $175 SOLD


Liguus fasciatus testudineus

variety gloriasylvaticus
Doe, 1937

This variety is close to barbouri but differs in having
profuse streaking and lacks in any bluish gray band colors.
It is found in Collier County,
just north of the Pinecrest area,
Collected at Bloodhound Hammock.
L= 50.9  mm   W= 28.8  mm

ID#L0064 Price US $50



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Liguus fasciatus testudineus

variety nebulosus
Doe, 1937

The variety nebulosus is very close to gloriasylvaticus but has a less developed pattern in the later whorls. Also found together with
gloriasylvaticus in the Collier County area
north of Pinecrest.
Collected at Bloodhound Hammock.

L= 46.2  mm   W= 24.3  mm

ID#L0065 Price US $50



Liguus fasciatus testudineus

variety solisoccasus
de Boe, 1933

This variety is found in Hammock CC #13 and nearby hammocks in Collier County. Some authorities have stated that it is closeto the variety clenchi but this is doubtful as many color characters are totally different. Collected at Hammock #13.

L= 47.1  mm   W= 24.7  mm

ID#L0066 Price US $50SOLD




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Liguus fasciatus testudineus

variety lucidovarius
Doe, 1937

An uncommon shell, it is found in Hammock PC #11 in the Pinecrest area south of the Loop Road.
The small hammock has been ravaged
by fires and at one time the variety was thought to be
extinct in its native habitat.

L= 51.4  mm   W= 24.5  mm

ID#L0067 Price US $150


Liguus fasciatus lossmanicus
Pilsbry, 1912

The holotype of this snail was collected at Lossman's Key,
near Cape Sable, however it is prevalent throughout
the South Florida area.
Collected at Brickell Hammock, Miami.

L= 52.6  mm   W= 27.8  mm

ID#L0068 Price US $50



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Liguus fasciatus lossmanicus

Pilsbry, 1912

Collected at a small pure colony near Hammock #7 group, Pinecrest.

L= 45.7  mm   W= 24.2  mm

ID#L0069 Price US $50



Liguus fasciatus lossmanicus

variety luteus
Simpson, 1920

This variety is found from Key Vaca north
through the Atlantic Coastal Ridge
as far north as Dania in Broward County.
Collected at Vaca Key, Atlantic side of US1, East end.

L= 48.9  mm   W= 26.8  mm

ID#L0070 Price US $50



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Liguus fasciatus lossmanicus

variety luteus
Simpson, 1920
Collected at Matheson Hammock, Miami..

L= 46.8  mm   W= 25.3  mm

ID#L0071 Price US $50



Liguus fasciatus lossmanicus

variety aurantius
Clench , 1929

This variety together with luteus and other localized
yellow forms appear to be independent xanthic mutations
 of lossmanicus. The variety aurantius
is found throughout the South Florida area and
the northernmost Fla Keys.
Collected at Matheson Hammock, Miami.

L= 47.8  mm   W= 26.6  mm

ID#L0072 Price US $50



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Liguus fasciatus lossmanicus

variety aurantius
Clench , 1929

Collected at Boynton Beach Hammock.
This is one of the most northern localities
for the Florida Liguus.
This colony may have been started by introduction
of Liguus at this hammock by the McGinty brothers.

L= 47.0  mm   W= 26.5  mm


ID#L0073 Price US $50


Liguus fasciatus lossmanicus

variety mosieri
Simpson, 1920

The type locality for this variety is Brickell Hammock in Miami.
Though reported from Ft. Lauderdale to Long Pine Key, the only area where it was formerly abundant is Brickell Hammock.
Collected at Brickell Hammock, Miami.
L= 55.9  mm   W= 28.7  mm


ID#L0074 Price US $50 SOLD


The "septentrionalis" group
as follows

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Liguus fasciatus septentrionalis

Pilsbry, 1912

This shell is from Yamato Hammock in Palm Beach County and is the northernmost
extension of the natural range of the Liguus in Florida. The snail is extinct in its native
habitat but survives in transplanted colonies in the Everglades National Park. This snail
is unlike all of the other Florida Liguus and seems to have evolved from one
of the early landings on the mainland. It was found in pure colonies,
from Ft.Lauderdale north to Palm Beach County and distant from other hammocks
inhabited by Liguus in Broward County

L= 52.8  mm   W= 29.7  mm

ID#L0075 Price US $175



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